Sunday, August 17, 2014

Proper 15 - G - 2014 - Have Mercy on Me

The Tenth Sunday After Pentecost
August 17, 2014- Pastor Adam Moline
Isaiah 56:1, 6-8           Romans 11:1-2a, 13-15, 28-32            Matthew 15:21-28
Hymns LSB 779, 615, 683   Communion Hymns LSB 685, 901, 571, 570

Grace, mercy and peace to you from God our Father through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  Amen.  Our text today is form the Gospel lesson just read, especially these words, “even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters' table.”  Thus far our text for today. 
Dear friends in Christ.  Oh, that we had faith like the woman in our text.  She has nothing to offer Jesus in exchange for what she wants.  She has no money to pay him.  She has no gifts to offer him.  Her only words to him are to cry out continuously, “O Lord have mercy upon me.”
The mercy she asks for is underserved of God.  She hasn’t been holy, but is a sinner.  She’s not even a true Israelite, but is instead a Canaanite despised by all the Jews.  She isn’t special in her self, she’s just an everyday average person.  She hasn’t done any special mission to please God.  She has nothing, nothing, and she knows it. 
She doesn’t make excuses saying “Its not really my fault – the sinful things that have happened in my life.”  She doesn’t claim to be a victim of circumstances out of her control.  She doesn’t avoid the truth.  Instead she owns up to her sin and her life, which is the reason that her cry is only “Lord have mercy.” 
And even when confronted by Jesus himself, when God himself says to her “You don’t deserve a seat at the table for any reason, you aren’t an Israelite.”  Her reply is only, “You’re right O Lord, I’m but a dog, but even dogs eat the crumbs from the master’s table.” 
Do you see her faith?  Her faith is completely in Jesus, not in herself.  She doesn’t think she’s capable in herself.  Instead she trusts only in God and in his great mercy! 
And when Jesus hears her trust in Him and Him alone, he gives her the mercy she begs of him, “O woman, great is your faith! Be it done for you as you desire.”
What Great faith that woman had, to trust in Jesus alone.  What great faith that woman had in confessing her sin.  What great faith that woman had in looking for God’s mercy.  Oh that we had such faith as to not trust in ourselves. 
We too are sinful.  We too have nothing within ourselves to please God.  We’ve broken all God’s laws, day in and day out.  We are indifferent about the times that we’ve done it.  We make excuses for it, we blame it on others.  We are guilty, dear friends, and nothing we can do will change that. 
No, you can’t give enough money to make God happy, you can’t do enough works to please him, you can’t keep your promise to avoid sin.  Its too great, within each one of you.  The only option we have is to follow the example of this woman, to beg for mercy.  To fall down on our knees before God and to say, “Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy upon me a sinner.” 
And in fact that’s what we cry each week in our liturgy – we sing the very words this woman cries out before God.  Lord have mercy. 
And have mercy, God does.  He shows mercy to you in your sin.  He shows you grace for what you’ve done wrong.  He gives mercy to promise you eternal life.  And his mercy is not just a nice saying, or empty words.  His mercy comes through a person, through Jesus Christ himself.  Jesus suffers upon the cross, so that you might have mercy.  Jesus bleeds so that you won’t suffer hell.  Jesus dies, because you deserved to die.  Jesus is laid in the grave, because of your guilt, and Jesus rises on the third day to promise you mercy and forgiveness. 

This mercy comes to you in the promsies of God’s words, promises to guard and protect you.  This mercy comes to you in Water and the Word, knowing God’s mercy has washed away your sin.  This mercy comes to you, here today, and evermore.  In the name of Jesus.  Amen.