Tuesday, September 27, 2016

LWML District Counselor's Article - How Christians Should Approach the Election

LWML October Article:

Dear Friends,
Soon you will cast your ballot, won’t you?  You’ve heard the parties put forward their beliefs, much like churches do.  Which church are you a part of?  The Church of Hillary or the Church of Trump?
Here’s what I mean:  The campaigning has been going on for over a year now.  Each campaign has been proclaiming to you their doctrine. 
The Church of Hillary tells you that she is the only logical choice, that she ALONE can save our country from the various challenges and struggles present in our modern world.  It’s Hillary for America!  After all, she has the plan in place to restore our country, to maintain its financial wellbeing, and to help those who need help.  Plus her church doctrine is clear – Trump is a buffoon.
The church of Trump says he is the only logical choice, that he ALONE can make America great again, keeping it strong in the face of the various challenges and struggles present in our modern world.  He has the plan to restore our country, to maintain its financial wellbeing, and to build a wall to keep others out.  His church doctrine is clear – Hillary is a buffoon.
More this year than ever before, you also have the third church, those who are political but not partisan – they feel they can’t really vote for either because they think neither candidate is any good, neither will keep America safe or help it grow.  Their main belief is that BOTH Trump and Hillary are buffoons. 
We have friends and family who fall into one camp or another.  And they are passionate, aren’t they?  If you disagree with their opinion, they’ll hardly talk to you again until after the inauguration. 
So what’ll you do?  In whom do you trust?  To which Church do you belong?
Well, the answer is you are a Christian, a member of the Lutheran Church.  That’s your identity.  As a Lutheran, you know that your fear, love and trust is to be in God above all things.  You trust in the words of the psalms that say, “Put not your trust in princes, in a son of man, in whom there is no salvation,” (Psalm 146) and “It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man.  It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in princes.” (Psalm 118)  Your trust is in the God who baptized you, and marked you with His salvation in Jesus name, and who promises you a kingdom without end where He rules upon the eternal throne of David.
As a Lutheran, you also trust the words of the 4th commandment, so you fear and love God so that you honor all authorities.  You vote your conscience, voting for the candidate you think will do the best job in keeping you safe in this sinful world, while upholding your Christian values most carefully.  You’ll honor them, serve and obey them, (unless they blatantly oppose God in a matter) and you’ll love and cherish them.
Whoever wins, as a Lutheran you’ll pray for your leaders and rulers, because they need your prayers in Christ’s name.  You won’t bad mouth them, you won’t complain when they make mistakes, because being a temporal ruler is difficult, and after all, they are forgiven by Christ also.  You’ll speak up for the values you hold dear in a kind and caring manner, not cursing or swearing and thus breaking the 2nd commandment, or hurting the reputation of the one elected, breaking the 8th commandment. 
Most importantly, you, as a Lutheran, will look to Christ as the salvation of your soul.  You realize the sinful state of this world.  You know that no politician will ever be perfect.  You put your trust in the one who is perfect instead, who displayed His love for you by suffering, bleeding, dying and rising again for you and for your forgiveness.  Jesus is the one who suffered even for the sins of all politicians, judges, rulers, police and firefighters and more.  He even suffered and died for your sins of failing to pray for, support, honor and cherish your political leaders.  He forgives you for trusting in worldly leaders more than in Him.  His blood covers it all.  In Christ alone do we trust.  He alone is the one who makes the World new by His cross and empty tomb. (Rev 21:5)
We still can and should partake of the process of the world, but we do so looking for the world that is to come, knowing that’s where our eternal citizenship lies.  Kingdoms may rise and wane, political parties spout and sputter, but the “Word of the Lord remains forever.” 
God’s Blessings, 

Pastor Moline, Sr. Counselor