Thursday, July 9, 2015

Homosexuality is not the only 6th commandment sin.

We Christians are often judged to be hypocrite, bigots, jerks and more all for the bolded statement which follows shortly.  And yet it is true and it must be said.  Please read the whole article before you lambaste me on facebook. 
Homosexuality and same-sex attraction is sin, breaking the 6th commandment of God, and is deserving of judgment by God. 
Please, all you who disagree, calm down.  Hear me out.  I’m not saying this hypocritically.  It’s the truth: it is sin. 
At the same time, please, those of you in the church, don’t cheer yet, don’t celebrate and say, “Go get ‘em, Pastor.”  Don’t be all high and mighty, or pious and holy.  Because I have more to say, which you yourself may find offensive to your ears.  Yet what I’m about to say is just as true as what I just said.  It needs to be said, and you probably need to hear it if your heart is beating.  As I say what follows, remember Christ’s words, “Remove the log from your own eye before worrying about the speck in your neighbors eye. 
When you live together with your “significant other” outside of marriage, it is sin that in God’s eyes is just as bad as homosexuality and just as deserving of judgment.  When you have sex with someone who is not your God-given spouse, it is sin.  When sex is between 3, 4, 5, or more people, it is sin.  When a teenager is pregnant out of wedlock, it is sin. 
When you look at someone and imagine what is underneath their clothing, it is sin.  When you look at pornography – and statistics show that 70% of you did last month (one site alone had more visits that ESPN and CNN combined!) – you are guilty of sin against the 6th commandment just like homosexuality.  If you’ve taken a picture of yourself naked and given it to someone in any variety, it’s sin. 
When you check out the bikinis on the beach.  When you have the one-night stand with the person at the bar.  When each of your children have a different set of parents.  That is sin.  When sex is just about pleasure and fun, and not about the two being one flesh, it is sin.  When you chat with people in explicit ways on websites, it is sin.  When you are by yourself and your hands are not on their best “Christian behavior”, it is sin. 
Or how about these?  When divorce is a part of your life, it is sin.  When there is not giving and receiving, loving and submitting in your marriage as Paul writes in Ephesians 5, it is sin.  Husbands, when you won’t be the spiritual leader of your family, teaching your children the faith and sitting with them in the pews, it is sin on the caliber of homosexuality.  Wives, when you despise your husband, purposely undermining his spiritual authority, it is sin.  When husband and wife fight and argue, it is sin. 
All of these things are sin - whether you've called them that or not, whether you've admitted it or not. 
You see, we Christians have no room to be high and mighty in regards to the 6th commandment.  We are just as guilty and wrong in regards to God’s Word about sex and marriage as the next.  God’s Word is very clear about sex and marriage.  If we are going to take it seriously on one point, we have to take it seriously at all points.  We can’t gerrymander the meaning of God’s Word to fit what we want.  It means what it says and says what it means. 
If God’s Word is true, we all stand equally condemned.  God’s Sixth Commandment Word condemns me to hell.  God’s Sixth Commandment Word condemns you to hell.  God’s Word is so very clear.  There can be no avoiding it.  It condemns.  It is a sharp sword cutting to the soul, separating joint and marrow.  We’ve sinned against God, and the consequences are dreadful.  If you don’t realize that, it is only because you are lying to yourself – suffering from the hypocrisy that Christianity is so often accused of. 
The question then is this, “What do we do about the situation?”  There are two options. 
Option One:  Decide that Scripture is not God’s Word.  Thus, God’s Word does not condemn our sixth commandment sins.  Thus we are free to do all of the things listed above freely without any fear of the consequences – after all, love wins!  This is direction many mainline churches have gone, notably the ELCA, the Presbyterians, and the Episcopalians. 
This is the easy option.  When the going gets tough, go another way.  This option fails to address serious questions about why believe anything in the Bible if Scripture is not God’s Word.  It also disregards an omnipotent, omniscient God who knew what society would be like when He founded His church.  It is an option based not on the opinions of God, but the opinions of man. 
If you follow this opinion, your only option in responding to a differing view is to respond in kind – when party one is “persecuting” party two, in your opinion, you just persecute them back more severely than they are doing while patting everyone who agrees with you on the back.  
Option Two:  Believe God’s Word condemns you, and confess your sins.  Realize the same condemnation that condemns the sin of homosexuality is the same condemnation that condemns you for your sin against God’s gift of marriage.  Confess it boldly, non-hypocritically.  Admit your sin with a repentant heart, in the full realization that there is nothing that you can do to erase your sins by your actions.  Confess and trust in Christ. 
It is Christ who paid for your sin and my sin.  He died for homosexual’s sin, and straight people’s sin.  He died to make the unrighteous righteous.  In Him and in Him alone is there forgiveness and an answer for sin against marriage.  Confess your sins to your pastor, so that you might hear the words of absolution for your sins, and trust that when he speaks them to you, it is really Christ who is forgiving your sin in heaven as well as on earth.  After all, Jesus wins! 
Do you see the difference between the two options?  Option one is based upon the human feeling that “I can determine what is right and wrong on my own, and therefore I can justify whatever I want.”  Option two says, “God determines what is right and wrong and tells me in His Word – He also tells me the only hope for my justification is Jesus.”  Therefore we as Christians live a life according to God’s Word as best we can – obeying what God says, instead of throwing it out. 
This tragedy, the Christian disregard for the 6th commandment, has now been realized in the Supreme Court ruling, but it did not begin there.  It began with sinful ignoring of God’s Word.  We ought not be surprised then, since in our own sin we have been ignoring God’s Word about marriage in a variety of ways.  If we want to do something about the Supreme Court ruling, let’s follow Jesus’ advice and get the log out of our own eye.  Let’s call cohabitation and sexual perversion what it is, in all of its occurrences!  Husbands, let’s love our wives as Christ loves us.  Wives, submit to your husbands as to Christ.  Let’s strive for “‘til death do us part”.  Parents, continually tell your children that sex outside marriage is sin.  Teens, let’s quit sexting, and fornicating, and instead live a chaste life, saving ourselves for our spouse, so that we can fully realize the one-fleshness of marriage and raise children in the fear and love of God.  
I know that is heavy law.  But it is necessary for us to hear and believe so that we might repent of our own sin as we call our society into repentance. 
It won’t be easy.  It will be totally against society and its teaching.  It will be us living our lives “in” the world but not “of” the world. 
As Christ says, “Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? So they are no longer two but one flesh.  What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.”  That’s marriage. 

Repent for not making marriage the way that Christ describes it.  Repent and be forgiven by His mercy, and His mercy alone.  
And uphold marriage.  Our failures to do so is 100% of the problem with the supreme court and society today.  As your pastor, I will be working to do so to the best of my ability.