Saturday, March 21, 2015

St. John's Archives - Voter's Meeting Minutes - 1946 - 1948

We have the book that contains all the voter's meeting minutes from 1939-1967 at St. John's.  Up until October 1946, they were in German as the first two below are.  I don't know German, so I can't make good translations.  However, I included those two as example.  If anyone can, let me know, we'll work on them.
This is the first in a number of Voter's Meeting Minutes from Belford.
-Pastor Moline 

Extra Versammlung an 23. September 1945
Diese versammlung wurde nach dem Gottesdienst algehalten.  Der pastor legte den Beruf wo der Campbell-Nashua Parochie der Gemeinde vor.  Die Gemeinde beschloss den Pastor zu bieten den Beruf zurückzuschicken
Extra Assembly on 23 September 1945 This meeting was held after the service. The pastor presented the call to the Campbell Nashua congregation parish. The congregation decided to offer the pastor to return the call.

vierteljährige versammlung Oct. 8 1946
Die versammlung wurde vom Pastor eröffnet.  Die Verlesung des Namensliste zeigte dass nun 9 Glieder anwesend sein.  Das Protokoll der April Versammlung wurde verlesen und angenommen.  Als Delegaten zur Kreisversammlung in Claire City wurden Gustav Polfuss, Robert Jamhke, und Otto Klawitter.  Es wurde der längeren uber die einstellung eines Furnaces im Pfarrhaus geredet.  Die Trustees sollen die Sache im Hand nehmen und der Furnaces so einrichten lassen wie der Pastor es wünscht. 
Da keine ander Geschäfte valogen verfolgte man mit Gebet
W.H. Cordts
Quarter-year meeting Oct. 8 1946
The meeting was opened by the pastor. The reading of the list of names showed that now his present 9 members. The minutes of the April Meeting was read and adopted. As a delegate to the District Assembly in Claire City were Gustav Polfuss, Robert Jamhke, and Otto Klawitter. It was the longer about the setting of a Furnaces in the rectory spoken. The Trustees are to take matters in hand and let the Furnaces so set up as the pastor wants it.
Since no other transactions valogen was pursued with prayer
W.H. Cordts

Annual Meeting Jan 7, 1947
The meeting was opened with a hymn and prayer.  Roll was called and showed 10 members present.  The minutes of the October meeting were read and approved.  The treasurer distributed the reports for the year 1946.  After various items had been explained and discussed and after the auditors had sated that they had found all accounts in order and the balances as stated in the report the report itself was accepted.  The annual election was then taken up with the following results: 
Chairman:  Henry Krause
Secretary:  The Pastor
Elders:  G___ Medenwaldt
School board:  R. H. Bellin
Trustee:  Robert Krause
Auditors:  Gerhardt Tiegs, George Prochnow

Mrs. Cordts was again asked to serve as organist, and and[sic] the elders are to see to it that a janitor is procured.  Or to see that this work is taken care of. 
The matter of more English services was discussed for some time but no definite motion made to change the present arrangement. 
It was decided to conduct our meeting in the English language and that the minutes be kept in the same.
The pastor was asked to translate the Constitution into English and present it to the congregation. 
Adjournment with the Lord’s Prayer
W. Cordts

April 21, 1947
The meeting was opened with a hymn and prayer.
The minutes of the annual meetings were read and approved.  Roll call showed 10 members present. 
It was decided to take part in the synod wide Centennial celebrations and thank offering.  Envelopes shall be distributed to all communicants. 
A meeting showing how to start and conduct an adult Bible class will be held in Wahpeton May 16th.  Robert Bladow and Albert Tiegs were elected to be our delegates at the meeting. 
It was decided to paint the inside of the church and to fix the tower so it will no longer leak. 
Mission Festival shall be observed again this year, and the date June 8th as proposed by Rev. Cordts declared satisfactory. 
It was decided to buy three more collection plates. 
Adjournment with the Lord’s Prayer.

Quarterly Meeting. Oct. 5 1947
The meeting was opened with the singing of a hymn and with prayer. 
The roll call showed ten members present.
The minutes of the April meeting were read and accepted.
A number of resolutions were passed. 
The trustees were told to continue their efforts to get the church painted outside. 
The pastors salary for the year was set at $2,000.00.  The congregation voted to take part in the district Thanks Offering.  Anyone can give his offering for whatever purpose he sees fit. 
It was suggested that the thanks line be used for contribution toward a car for the pastor. 
The following was appointed delegates to the circuit meeting at Great Bend:  Robert ______, Robert Krause, Aug. Pankow.
Adjournment with the Lord’s Prayer

Annual Meeting Jan 8, 1948.
The Meeting was opened by the pastor in the usual way.  The roll called showed 12 members present.  The minutes of the October meeting were read and approved. 
The annual printed report of the treasurer was discussed.  It was decided to keep the $73.25 that had been given in the Thank Offering without the purposes being given, in the congregation’s holding fund. 
Election was then taken up with the following result. 
Chairman:  Henry Krause
Secretary – the Pastor
Elders :  Robert Tiegs
Schoolboard:  Albert Tiegs
Trustee:  R.C. Bladow
Auditing Board:  Gerhard Tiegs, George Prochnow
Mrs. Cordts is to serve as organist with a salary of 75.00 for 1948.
Robert Tiegs asked to be excused as elder but agreed to serve when Gerhardt agreed to take over his father’s share of the janitor work. 
The pastors salary was set at $2000.00 for 1948.
R.H. Bellin was elected delegate to the District Synod which will meet in Hankinson the last week of May.  Albert Tiegs was elected as substitute.  The question as to whether the congregation shall buy the public school building and join it to our school was discussed.  A committee was elected to investigate the matter and to report to the congregation.  Albert Tiegs, R. H. Bellin, Gerhard Tiegs, and Aug. Pankow are the members. 
The congregation voted on its choice for candidate for visitor.  1. Rubbens. 2. Hannemann, 3. Hasz
Adjournment with prayer. 

Quarterly meeting. April 18, 1948.  
The meeting was opened with hymn and prayer.  The roll call showed 10 members present.
The minutes of the annual meeting were read and discussed. 
The following were elected to represent the congregation at a workshop on the Christian Home to be held at Barney May 9th:  R.C. Bladow, Robert Krause, John Pankow, Raymond Bladow.  The committee elected to study the matter of buying the public school house, or the feasibility of putting a basement under the church was asked to report at a later meeting.  It was decided to paint the outside of the parsonage as soon as weather permits. 
Adjournment with prayer.