Sunday, December 28, 2014

Christmas 1 - G - 2014 - Names

Isaiah 61:10-62:3
Galatians 4:4-7
Luke 2:22-40
Grace, Mercy and Peace to you from God our Father through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  Our text today is from the Gospel lesson just read, especially these words, “On the eighth day, when it was time to circumcise him, he was named Jesus, the name the angel had given him before he had been conceived.”  Thus far our text. 
Dear friends in Christ.  “What’s in a name?  That which we call a rose By any other name would still smell as sweet.”  We have all heard this line, spoken by Juliet to her star crossed lover Romeo, in that classic Shakespeare classic that so many of us had to read in our high school English classes.  Juliet speaks these words to Romeo to tell him that even though his last name is one which her family hates, that she will love him anyways, and even marry him.  For to her, the name doesn’t mean anything, it is the person who has the name that she loves.
So often in our world today, that is the way we view things.  Celebrities have named their kids ridiculous things – and yes these are real celebrity kids names.  Like Pilot Inspektor – with a k in Inspektor or Moon Unit Zappa, or even Moxy Crimefighter Gillette.  They have the idea that names don’t mean anything, so why not have some fun with them.  Anyways, their children can just change them later on in life to something more normal.  And so it seems that Shakespeare was write (ha ha ha) what is in a name?
But in our text today, we see the power of a name, the importance of a name in God’s eyes.  FOR TO GOD, NAMES REALLY MEAN SOMETHING.  When God gives a name, it is for a purpose, and He will see that name out. 
God uses names throughout the bible.  Adam was named after the dirt of the ground.  Abraham’s name means father of many peoples.  Israel’s name means struggles with God.  God changes people’s names left and right to tell us what they are going to do in their lives. That is why our text today is so important. 
We often read the words in all of the Gospels that say, “He was named Jesus” and don’t think about what that means.  But in ancient Israel, it was important.  And in our text today it is especially important, for the baby in the manger is named and circumcised all on the eighth day.  Three important things happening all in one sentence of scripture and all for your salvation. 
It is the eighth day, the day of eternity, the day of recreation.  The number eight stood for recreation for Ancient Israelites.  God created everything in seven days, and here on this day, the eighth day of his human life, God begins his work of recreating the world of sin. 
And how does God plan to recreate this world of sin?  We all know the answer, through the shedding of blood, by which he purchases and wins each of us from this world.  And so God made Flesh, Immanuel sheds his very first blood as he is circumcised.  Already, at only eight days old, the very blood of God is shed. 
It is only fitting then that he receives an important name.  He receives the name Jesus, the name that means, “The Lord Saves.”  For that is exactly what he is doing.  The Lord Saves his people.  And in our text today, we see a preview of why he has come, we see a beginning to the work for your salvation.  We see God’s plan.  We see your rescue. 
For you are in a difficult situation.  You are not able to save yourselves.  Scripture gives us horrible names that describe our sin.  God has his prophets give us the name “Lo Ammi” which means “not my people”, for we are not his people in our sin.  We receive the name “Lo Ruhamah, which means not pitied, for God has no sympathy for those in sin, they are sinners because of their fault, their own fault, their own most grevious fault.  Right after our Old Testament lesson today, we hear that because of our sin, we are called Desolate, and Deserted.  We are Foresaken.  We have these names and we deserve them because of our sin.  For we truly have sinned in throught word and deed. 
How good then, that God sends someone name, “The Lord Saves”  How wonderful that God sends Immaneul, God with us.  And that in our text today, he sheds his blood as he receives this name, all on the day of re-creation. 
Dear friends in Christ.  Jesus will save you.  He will give you a new name, a name that is not Desolate, for Jesus is come.  A name that is not Forsaken, for you have been saved.  A name that is not sinner, or pittied, or any other despicable thing.  But instead you have been renamed with a name that means something.  For Jesus has saved you from your sin.  He has shed his blood for you.  And he gives you a new name, Forgiven. 
He gave you that name, as you were baptized into the holy name of the Trinity, Father Son and Holy Spirit.  You received God’s name upon you, marking you as one belonging to him, as one receiving his benefits, as inseparable from him.  You receive God’s name and are rescued from you sin.  That is what our text is about a name that really means something.  The Lord Saves – Jesus – the name above all names.  The name of your savior, the name of your rescue from sin. 
Names mean something with God.  Jesus name means something, you are God’s now.  Amen.