"The people walking in darkness have seen a great light"
(Isaiah 60:1)
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Immanuel's New Paschal Candle |
At Immanuel (And perhaps soon at St. John's) we have recently acquired a Paschal Candle. It was dedicated this morning, and used at it's first baptism. The Paschal Candle is a large, special candle that reminds us that Jesus Christ is risen from the dead and is the Living Light of Life (John 8:12). The Paschal Candle also reminds us of the pillar of fire that led the Israelites to safety across the Red Sea, as they fled from slavery in Egypt. In the same way, Christ rescues us from slavery to sin through His baptism.
The Candle has an Alpha and an Omega on it, to symbolize that Christ is the beginning and end of all things we know, and often times the Paschal Candle has the current year on it (i.e. 2014) as a reminder that we are in the 2014th year of our Lord.
After a period of darkness beginning on Good Friday, congregations first light this candle during their earliest Easter celebrations, signaling Christ’s banishment of death and darkness. This tall white candle represents Christ’s steadfast presence in our midst, and its flickering flame dances with light and warmth, illuminating our shadowed world. We continue lighting the paschal candle each Sunday throughout the Easter season, with most congregations continuing to light it until Ascension Day, when we remember that Jesus "was taken up into heaven and sat down at the right hand of God." (Mark 16:19).
The Paschal Candle also is lit at Baptisms, reminding us of the presence of Christ as a person is initiated into the Christian faith, and lit at Funerals to remind us that the person died in Christ's grace as well. The Paschal Candle usually is situated in the Sanctuary near the Baptismal Font.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask Pastor.