Wednesday, May 28, 2014

June News and Views Article

On May 18th, our epistle lesson was from 1 Peter 2:2-10.  We didn’t hear much about this text in our Sermon, but it still is one that I think is worthy of our attention.
Peter begins with these words, “Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up into salvation.”  When reading these words, I can’t help but think of the Dairy Council and their advertising campaigns from the last 20 years or so.  When I was a kid, I remember the commercials during Saturday morning cartoons that taught us “Milk.  It does a body good.”  After that campaign, they also had the long running “Got Milk?” campaign. 
One of the commercials for these campaigns remains one of my all-time favorites.  Two kids are sitting down for lunch, which their mother has dutifully prepared.  The mother tells them, “Drink your milk.”  The older brother replies, “I don’t want milk, milk’s for babies.”  And the younger sister quickly agrees, “Yeah, for babies.” 
The mom is undeterred.  “Well, I happen to know that milk builds strong bones.  So drink up.”  The brother looks out the window at the neighbor doing yard work.  “Well Mr. Miller told me he never drinks milk and look at him.”  At that moment, Mr. Miller waves at the family, and proceeds to pick up a wheel barrow full of dirt.  And as he does, his arms falloff at his shoulders in a puff of smoke as he says, “That’s not good.”  The final scene of the commercial is the family – mom included – chugging down milk as fast as possible. 

Peter’s opening statement is similar to the “Got milk” campaign, but instead he’s using a “God’s milk” idea.  “Long for the pure spiritual milk,” he says.  Otherwise your spiritual life will fall apart.  Yet pure spiritual milk is so hard to find today.  So much of the “spiritual milk” we find out there has been curdled and soured with false teaching. 
You see it in T.V. evangelists.  “You can do it” instead of “Christ has done it.”  “God wants you to find your purpose in this 40 day process.”  “God wants you to live your best life now.”  “God wants you to all just get along”. 
None of these things are in Scripture.  None of these things are true.  They are all green, chunky, sour spiritual milk.  They do not build up the Christian’s soul.  They do not do his “body good” or his soul good. 
You too have received and distributed sour milk at times.  When things go well for you, you are quick to pat yourself on the back, and when things go wrong, you’re quick to blame God.  You seek compliments to build up your self-esteem – as if that was the most important thing.  You tell people what they want to hear when they are in your presence, and tell lies about them behind their backs.  You’re a sinner fed on the lies and deceit of Satan.
Being fed with this sour milk, your sinful nature has been self-serving, self-praising, and self-justifying.  You’ve become self-focused and self-righteous.  So, dear friends, repent!  Your selfish sinful nature will only lead to self-trust, self-indulgence, and self-destruction.  The impure spiritual milk is the poison of Hell that seeks to destroy you forever. 
But God’s Word is pure spiritual milk.  And God’s Word, as Peter records it for us, says this:  You are a chosen people, redeemed by Christ, forgiven by His suffering and death.  His blood, shed from that Old Rugged Cross, has purchased and won you.  It has drawn you out of the darkness of this sinful world into His marvelous light.  Now in Christ, you are God’s people.  Now, you have received mercy for your sin. 
How?  Not by your works, or your self-focused pride.  But like newborn infants, Christ has fed you the pure spiritual milk of His grace. 
It reminds me of my own children as infants – and even of Gabe right now.  A baby gets hungry and begins to cry.  But no matter how much he cries, not matter how much he wags his arms in the air, or how pathetic he makes himself look, he cannot feed himself the milk he needs.  He is incapable of walking to the refrigerator and pouring himself a glass of milk.  He cannot even roll over, and must remain where he was placed. 
But a loving parent picks up the child with love and care and brings the milk to the child.  The bottle is placed in the babe’s mouth.  The milk is given, not earned.  The child does nothing to feed itself; the loving parent must do everything necessary. 
You are the same.  You can’t find the pure spiritual milk on your own.  You can’t feed it to yourself.  You must receive it as it is given to you by others – like an infant receives its food.  God cradles you in His own nail pierced hands, and washes you in water and Word, feeding you the pure spiritual milk.  He gives you body and blood to eat and drink for forgiveness of sins.  He proclaims His Word to you through the mouth of a fellow sinner, your pastor, so that by receiving pure spiritual milk, you might be fed and built up as a child of God, ready to inherit eternity.  Christ does it all, apart from your work.
Dear friends, “like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk – God’s Word and grace – that by it you may grow up into salvation, since you have tasted that the Lord is good.” 

In Christ,  Pastor