Sunday, December 8, 2013

Advent 2 - G - 2013 - Repent You Brood of Vipers!

The Second Sunday of Advent
December  8, 2013 - Pastor Adam Moline
Isaiah 11:1-10             Romans 15:4-13          Matthew 3:1-12
Grace, mercy and peace to you from God our Father through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  Amen.  Our text today is from the Gospel lesson just read, especially these words, “You brood of vipers!  Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come?”  Thus far out text today.  Amen. 
Dear friends, John the Baptist came baptizing and preaching repentance, for the Kingdom of heaven was near.  In other words, Jesus is coming!  And to prepare the people for the coming of Jesus, John preached Repentance, a turning aside from sin, a remorse for what has gone wrong in life, and a general acknowledgement that I myself am not as good and holy as I like to think.  Repent!  Turn from sin!  And to those who acknowledge their sin, John baptizes, saying, “Look to the coming savior.  He will take care of your sin!.  Look to Jesus, the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.” 
But not all admit their sin.  Not all think they are sinners.  Some think they keep God’s rules.  Some think they are “hot stuff.”  In fact, a few groups of such people come to see John.  Some Pharisees, those who thought they knew all the laws, and even thought that they kept them came.  Along with them, came Sadducees, whose name comes from the Hebrew word, צדיק which itself means righteous. 
These two groups didn’t see their own sin, even as they excelled at seeing the sin of the average person.  These two people come not to repent, but rather to bring judgment upon John and those who go out into the wilderness.  To tell them they are wrong.  To tell them that instead of repentance they need a holiness that matches their own. 
And John, upon seeing them come, calls out these words, “You brood of vipers!  Who warned you to flee from the wrath that is to come?”  In other words, LOOK AT YOUR OWN SIN AND REPENT!  Pay attention to the reality that encompasses your life!  For its only then, that you might receive the promises of God for forgiveness, life and salvation. 
Dear friends, the same message is ours this Advent season.  Listen to the call of St. John the Baptist.  Repent.  Admit that you too are a part of the brood of vipers and sinners.  Don’t lie to yourself, because the truth is you’ve sinned, and not only in little embarrassing things, but in terrible and often times disgusting ways.  You’ve been concerned with only yourself.  You’ve been self-righteous, self-glorifying guilty sinners, and you still are.  You’ve had every type of adulterous and sinful desire imaginable.  You’re a sinner. 
And so, dear sinner, heed the call of St. John.  Repent.  The kingdom of heaven is near!  Wretched people that we are!  Who will save us from our sin?  Who will take away our evil desires?  God’s kingdom is coming!  And if we stay in sin we will not be able to stand when it arrives.  Repent.  Turn aside from your sin, and beg God for his great mercy and care.  And trust this, dear friends, that mercy is exactly what God wishes to give in his kingdom. 
For the ruler of the Kingdom of God is none other than the coming Christ.  He comes to set his people free, he comes to take away their sin, he comes to destroy death forever.  He is coming, his advent is drawing nigh.  And he comes to die, so that you don’t have to.  He comes to bear your sin, so that the weight of it might be lifted off your shoulders.  He comes to give you hope in the world to come, and life everlasting. 
Jesus gives you that promise through his own work, though his own death and resurrection.  It is in that act and that act alone that your sin can be taken away, and dear friends, has been taken away.  Your sin-free now, because of Jesus – not in your own right, but only by his work.  You have died to sin, and now live forever in Christ.  You are no longer a brood of vipers, but instead God’s holy and chosen people.  Dear friends, Jesus is coming.  Soon he will be born and laid in a manger.  Rejoice.  For the kingdom of God is near, and you are a citizen of that kingdom.  Amen.