Monday, July 1, 2013

Proper 8 - G - 2013 - Eyes Set to Jerusalem

The Sixth Sunday after Pentecost
June 30, 2013 - Pastor Adam Moline

1 Kings 19:9b-21        Galatians 5:1, 13-25                Luke 9:51-62
Grace, mercy and peace to you from God our Father through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  Amen.  Our text today is the Gospel lesson just read, especially these words, “When the days drew near for him to be taken up, he set his face to go to Jerusalem.”  Thus far our text. 
Dear friends in Christ.  In our text today, Jesus sets his face to go to Jerusalem.  From here on, he is very clear about why he is here in this world.  To suffer upon a cross.  To die for sin on a Friday we call good.  And as Christ makes his was to that fate, there is nothing that can distract him from his purpose.  He has made up his mind to go to the cross to die for sin. 
As he makes his way towards Jerusalem to die for sin, He prepares to enter a Samaritan village.  He sends some disciples to prepare the way, but they are turned away.  “We don’t have time for a God going to the cross.  We don’t have time for Jesus who will die.  We don’t want Him if he has set his eyes on Jerusalem.”  So Jesus doesn’t enter the town, but with his face set towards Jerusalem, he continues on to die.
Some of the disciples don’t care for the attitude of the town!  How dare they turn away Jesus?  How dare they fail to welcome us, with our Holy message, with our greatness.  They’ll regret it!  “Let’s get ‘em Jesus!”
But Jesus turns to them, his trusted disciples, and he rebukes them.  “You foolish disciples, we are going to Jerusalem, where I must die, and nothing will pull me from my path, not judgment, not your pride in yourself.”  So Jesus’ face is set to Jerusalem, and he continues on. 
They run into a man who shouts out, “I’ll follow you Jesus, wherever you go.”  But Jesus replies curtly, “Foxes have holes, and bird’s have nests, but I have no place to lay my head, except in a tomb in Jerusalem, for that’s where I’m going, my face is set.” 
Another man Jesus calls out to, “Follow me.”  The man replies, “Yes, Lord, but first let me go and bury my dead family member.”  But Jesus replies, “Leave the dead to bury their dead, my eyes are on Jerusalem where I go to die for all the dead, Go and proclaim this message.”
And finally further down the road, another says, “I will follow you Lord, but first, I must say good bye to my family.  And Jesus looking only ahead to his own fate, replies, “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.  I’m not looking back,” Jesus said, “I go to my fate, to make all things new.”
So what’s this all mean pastor?  It means this.  Nothing is going to come between Christ and his desire to save you.  Nothing will distract him, nothing confuse him, nothing with take his eyes off the prize – dying for your sin.  He is completely and totally committed, no amount of taunting, or pain will stop him.  Your sin will be paid for.
But Christ also demands from you a similar dedication.  Look how he responds to those in our text today who follow him conditionally.  I’ll follow you Lord, only if I can first do xyz.  I will follow you if I can say good bye.  I’ll follow you as long as you bless my life now and make me wealthy.  And Christ does little more than walk away, with his face set to Jerusalem. 
Dear friends, does that sound like us sometimes.  I’ll follow you Lord, if you do this for me.  I’ll be a Christian, if you heal my loved one’s cancer.  I’ll come to church if the pastor is interesting, and if I’m not fishing that week, and if I got enough sleep the night before.  I’ll follow you Lord on my terms, and my terms alone.
At times we even take it further than that.  “I follow my own God, one who does what I want him to.  I follow a God that says my sin is ok, that my sin isn’t wrong, and that I should embrace it because its what makes me unique in this world.”  I’ll believe my way.  I’ll do it my way.  After all its really all about me, Jesus.
And we say that to Jesus, as he goes to die in our place.  His face is set.  He will forgive us by his own bloody death.  He will suffer for our guilt and our shame.  He will take our sin away as far as the east is from the west!  It’s where he’s going!  Repent dear friends.  Trust not in your own understandings or opinions, but trust only in Christ and in his mercy.  Trust that he will accomplish your salvation.  Trust that he will set you free from sin death and the power of the devil. 
And having repented receive his blessings in Word and Sacrament.  Hear what he has done and believe it.  He died for you and your wandering ways.  He died for you and your sin.  He went to the cross.  He shed his blood.  And now you have life in His name. 
It’s a name given to you in Baptism.  It’s a name poured out upon you generously as your sin is taken away.  It’s a name shared with you in his word.  And in his name, you have life and life to the full. 

Today Jesus sets his mind on what he has to do, because He will save you.  He sets his face to Jerusalem, and prepares for the cross.  In the name of Jesus.  Amen.