Sunday, June 24, 2012

Proper 7 - G - 2012 - The Turn of Fear

Fourth Sunday After Pentecost - Proper 7
June 24, 2012 - Pastor Adam Moline
Job 38:1-11                 2 Corinthians 6:1-13               Mark 4:35-41
Grace, mercy and peace to you from God our Father through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.  Our text today comes from the Gospel lesson, especially these words, “Jesus said, ‘Why are you so afraid? Have you still no faith?’   And they were filled with great fear.”  Thus far our text. 
Dear friends in Christ.  It is an interesting turn of events in our text today.  The disciples think they are afraid.  They are out on a small rickety boat in a lake 8 miles wide and 13 miles long.  They have no outboard motor, perhaps a few oars and a sail, and all of a sudden a squall blows into the lake.  The waves grow and crash into the tiny boat – filled to the brim with 12 apostles and one teacher.  Water begins pouring over the sides, the boat gets lower in the water allowing even more water to come in. 
The disciples are frantically bailing water out of the boat knowing that a boat full of water doesn’t float.  If the boat sinks, they will die.  It’s a terrifying thought.  They don’t want to drown.  They don’t want to meet their end that way.  They want to live to see another day, they want to make it to shore.  They are scared for their lives.  And while they are scared, there Jesus sits, sleeping on a cushion in the back of the boat. 
It sounds like our life, so very often doesn’t it?  We are terrified of the things going on around us, yes, but mostly we are scared to die.  Sure, I know, most the time we avoid thinking about it, but it’s coming for you dear friends.  And it is coming on a day and in a way that you probably aren’t anticipating.  Just like those disciples on that boat, one day the waves will increase, the boat will fill with water, and you will know that the end must be near. 
Cancer, Alzheimer’s, emphysema, heart attack, stroke, old age, and more, these things and more will be your future.  They will come to you.  They will slowly increase in your life until at last dear friends, they will take you, each one of you.  And your life will be no more. 
The disciples when faced with this prospect, turned as many of us do to God.  “Wake up Jesus, don’t you care that we are going to drown?  Don’t you care that our lives are quickly going to come to an end?  Do something, save us!  Do it now!” 
I imagine that as the disciples said this to Jesus, they had in mind Jesus picking up a bucket and bailing water out of the boat.  But that is not what Jesus does.  Jesus stands up in the rocking boat, and speaks to the waters, “Peace! Be still”  and the waters listen.  The storms stops suddenly.  The sun shines, the boats make it safely to the other side of the lake.  Jesus turns to them and says, “Why were you afraid?  Do you still have no faith?”
And at this point dear friends is the interesting turn in our text today.  The text says, “And the disciples were filled with great fear and said to one another, “Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?”  It is at this point they realize they had nothing to worry about from the storm, because in the boat with them is God.  The God who created them.  The God who formed them out of the dust, who controls all things, including small little storms.  The God who commands them to be perfect and a part from sin. 
This is their fear, for they, like you, have failed the God who is the boat with them. They, like you, have sinned daily.  The words of Jesus from the Gospel of Matthew strike true for the disciples in that boat “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.” – the one who can stop a storm in its tracks.  They are to fear and love and trust in God, and they have failed. And that causes them true fear.
And for you, Cancer may destroy your body, but only Jesus can destroy your soul.  Alzheimer’s may destroy your memory and mind, but only Jesus can destroy your soul.  All these illness and the threat of death are always there, and yet, Jesus is the only one who can truly end you.  And dear friends, he doesn’t.
Jesus doesn’t choose to send you to hell, for you believe in him.  Jesus doesn’t destroy you in the squalor of sin, but instead stands up in the midst of it and says, “Peace, be still.”  Peace be still, for I have suffered for sin on the cross, and I will count that as sufficient payment.  Peace be still, These things that destroy your body are only temporary.  And peace and stillness will come after. 
Jesus brings peace and stillness to your lives.  You may face death, but you no longer need to fear it, for Jesus has defeated it for you.  He allowed his own body to be nailed to a cross, laid in a grave and raised, so that you might know the same thing will one day happen to you.  You have already drowned in the sea of baptismal waters, and you have already be rescued from them into peace, and stillness apart from sin.
Peace, the only one you need fear loves you, so much that he would die for you.  Peace, don’t fear the waves of this world.  They are overcome.  Peace for you – forever in Christ, Amen.