Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Paul Alan Fenske Prayer Service

Dear friends in Christ, baptism is an amazing thing.  In baptism, with simple water and word, death is destroyed, swallowed up forever.  In baptism, we die with Jesus, and then are raised with him.  Every person who has been baptized has already died, and been raised into eternal life.  Because of baptism, while we mourn, we know that death is not the end for those who believe in Jesus.
Why speak of this today?  Why bring up something that happened to Paul 52 years ago when there have been so many things that have happened since then?  Why bring up baptism before cancer, and pain? 
Why?  Because Paul’s baptism is important today, when all our senses try to tell us that Paul is now gone.  It is so important today as we are gathered here with family and friends to mourn the loss of a father, a grandfather, a son and a brother.  It is important because today we hurt deeply.  Today we mourn.  Today we wonder what has happened to Paul. 
But I tell you the truth, baptism has done an amazing thing for Paul – not just baptism, but the One whom Paul was bound to in the waters of baptism.  For Paul already had died, more than 50 years ago.  He died with Jesus, was buried with Jesus, and as our text says, “if he died with Christ, we believe he also lives with him.” 
In water, in a font at Trinity Lutheran Church Great Bend, Jesus grabbed ahold of Paul, and carried him through death into life.  In Baptism, Jesus carried Paul through cancer, through suffering, through pain and agony, and brought him safely into God’s eternal kingdom.  There he will no longer thirst, nor will he hunger, for the Lamb in the midst of the throne is his shepherd.  There, Jesus wipes all tears away from his eyes with nail marked hands. 
Friends, one who dies in Christ “has been set free from sin.”  One who dies in Christ, “walks forever in newness of life.”  Baptism is that place where faithful Christians like Paul, and like you, die with Christ.  Baptism is that thing that gives us hope today, hope that cancer is not the end, that in “death no longer has dominion” over us. 
I won’t lie to you, these past few days have been difficult.  They have brought us pain, and they will not magically get better over the coming weeks and months.  Death hurts.  It makes us weep and mourn, and long to be with the one who has departed.  But it is not the end for those who believe and are baptized into Jesus.  For Christ has destroyed death and gives eternal life to all who believe in him.
Friends, because Paul was baptized let not your hearts be troubled, even as you mourn.  For Jesus has come and taken Paul unto himself, to a place where they might be together, forever.  It’s a place with many rooms, a place of peace, a place of life.  It’s a place of living water, where God’s baptized people are raised to live with Jesus forever.  Do not let your hearts be troubled, for if we have been united with him in a death like his, we shall certainly be united with him in a resurrection like his.
In baptism, Jesus does an amazing thing.  He brings you, me, and yes our dear friend Paul through death into life.  Because of baptism, while we mourn, we know that death is not the end.  In baptism, in Jesus, death is destroyed forever.  Amen